The Pink Flamingo …. A Fabric Icon ?
Our range of fabrics featuring the majestic and exotic Pink Flamingo are a popular choice for customers right now.
Is it because of the easy on the eye artistic design and unusual pink colour of the plumage ? or is there more of an affinity with this beautiful long legged bird ?
The name Flamingo comes from the word ‘flamengo’ which means flame coloured, in Spanish. There are six species which can be found in Africa, Central Asia, South America, North West India and Southern Europe.
Closer to home we are lucky to have a colony at Martin Mere Wetland Centre near Ormskirk.  Where there is a breeding and protection programme.  In the wild, flocks can consist of thousands of birds.
The pink colours of the feathers result from eating beta carotene, a chemical found in their diet of algae, insects and small fish.
The birds have a very social nature and are thought to to mate with a partner for life. They can often be seen standing on one leg, although the reason for this is not known, it is suspected that it may be to conserve body heat, whilst wading in the cold water.
Well there ends a quick flight tour into the world of the flamingo, a beautiful theme for some exotic sewing makes……and pink too, which is always a bonus!
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